How to create storytelling content

Don't be scared of your story and what makes you unique!

People want to hear why you started, how you felt about it, and where you are now. Like we say on our podcast…. Everyone loves an origin story.

I know you might be thinking, but seriously Daniélle, I don't even know where to start.

Think of any show or movie that you watch. The only reason why you are invested is because you know a little bit about the main character and how they got there. Then you are glued to the tv and looking at yourself, wondering why do I care so much about this character. That's what sharing your brand voice and what makes you unique and valuable.

What makes you unique is what makes you different. Here's a quick exercise to get you going.

Sit down with a Google Doc or a digital notebook and start writing. Write about your life. This can be quick bullet points; this can be long sentences. Start wherever you would like. Start writing your life story, your life milestones, your achievements, your vulnerabilities, Not just about your business but also your life.

This could take you a little bit, so brew some coffee or get your drink of choice.

Then, read it out loud to yourself. Really soak in all you have done and all you have achieved and learned.

Then copy and paste that into Chat GPT then ask it to write you a brand persona using this story. This will give you an outside perspective of your own story, basically like your own VA or even your best friend.

Start to notice what key themes and phrases come up. Now, start talking about those key themes and phrases in your content.

Not only will you realize your unique superpower, but you will also start creating content with much more ease.


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